Trial software

Read text below and then click here to request the download. 

Trial software license for the AsteriskConnect middleware
You will need a trial license to run trials with this software. A trial license can be obtained by first starting up the software for the first time and gathering the Hardware ID (HWID) from the log file. Just send us this HWID with the request for a trial license and we will send you a trial-license file. After installing the license file you can run the AsteriskConnect for a total of 4 hours after which it will automatically shutdown. However you will be able to restart the service again of a second, third or even more 4 hours. This gives you a perfect opportunity to test our software, but of course it's not really useful in production environments since you will loose all active call information and active extension information such as call forwarding etc.

Limitations of the Trial version 
The following limitations apply for the trial version of the AsteriskConnect trial software:

  • Maximum use of 4 hours after start
  • Maximum of 1 CSTA connection
  • No detection of active calls or database settings on the Asterisk system during start-up
  • Only paid technical support available
  • Only communication using XML over a socket connection